Waldron, B.P., E.F. Watts, D.J. Morgan, M.M. Hantak, A.R. Lemmon, E.M. Lemmon, and S.R. Kuchta. 2024. The limits of the metapopulation: Lineage fragmentation in a widespread terrestrial salamander (Plethodon cinereus). Systematic Biology: in press.
Watts, E.F., B.P. Waldron, S.R. Kuchta. 2024. Hard edges, soft edges, and species range evolution: A genomic analysis of the Cumberland Plateau salamander. Journal of Biogeography 51(10): 2011-2022.
Waldron, B.P., E.F. Watts, and S.R. Kuchta. 2024. Traversing the Great Lakes region: Post-glacial colonization by a widespread terrestrial salamander. Journal of Biogeography 51(10): 1864-1879.
Kuchta, S.R., B.P. Waldron, E.F. Watts, A.R. Lemmon, and E.M. Lemmon. 2024. Population structure and species delimitation in the Wehrle’s salamander complex. Herpetologica: 80(2): 165–176.
Ryan, J.M., S.R. Kuchta, J.I. Watling, C-A. M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2024. Color polymorphism, sexual dimorphism, and phylogeographic variation in agonistic behavior in the Eastern Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus). Herpetologica: 80(2): 165–176.
Watts, E.F., B.P. Waldron, M.M. Hantak, E.M. Lemmon, A.R. Lemmon, and S.R. Kuchta. 2024. Cryptic species within a cryptic species? Species delimitation in the Cumberland Plateau salamander, Plethodon kentucki. Herpetologica 80(2): 189–198.
Waldron, B.P., C.A.Campbell*, and S.R. Kuchta. 2024. Specialist or refugee: Microhabitat use and competition between two sympatric woodland salamanders. Journal of Zoology 323: 45–56 * undergraduate
Grant, E.H., K.P. Mulder, A.B. Brand, D.B. Chambers, A. Wynn, G. Capshaw, M.L. Niemiller, J.G. Phillips, J.F. Jacobs, S.R. Kuchta, and R.C. Bell. 2022. Speciation with gene flow in a narrow endemic West Virginia cave salamander (Gyrinophilus subterraneus). Conservation Genetics 23: 727-744.
Kuchta, S.R., M.M. Hantak, B.P. Waldron, C.A. Hickerson, R. Lehtinen, C. Anthony. 2022. Hybridization between the woodland salamanders Plethodon cinereus and P. electromorphus. Ichthyology & Herpetology 110(3): 430-438.
Radomski, T.P., S.R. Kuchta, and K. Kozak. 2022. Post-Pleistocene dispersal explains the Rapoport Effect in North American salamanders. Journal of Biogeography 49: 1048-1060.
Marks, S.B., S. K. Sessions, and N. L. Staub. 2021. Scientists and salamanders: a tribute to David B. Wake, mentor extraordinaire. Herpetological Review 52(3): 696-703. (This obituary includes several "mini-retrospectives," one of which was by S.R. Kuchta).
Hantak, M.M.. K.M. Brooks, C.M. Hickerson, C.D. Anthony and S.R. Kuchta. 2020. A spatiotemporal assessment of dietary partitioning between color morphs of a terrestrial salamander. Copeia 108(4): 727-73.
Radomski, T.P., M.M. Hantak, A.D. Brown, and S.R. Kuchta. 2020. Multilocus phylogeography of Eastern Red-backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus): cryptic Appalachian diversity and post-glacial range expansion. Herpetologica 76(1): 61-73.
Hopkins, C.B, K.E. Harman, and S.R. Kuchta. 2019. Improving amphibian roadway mitigation to decrease mortality and increase connectivity by experimenting with ecopassage design. Technical document, Ohio Department of Transportation. 159 pages.
Collins, M.K., S.F. Spear, J.D. Groves, L.A.Williams, and S.R. Kuchta, 2019. Searching for a salamander: distribution and habitat of the Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) in southeast Ohio using eDNA as a rapid assessment technique. American Midland Naturalist 182(2): 191-202.
Hantak, M.H., R.B. Page, P.E. Converse, C.D. Anthony, C.M. Hickerson, and S.R. Kuchta. 2019. Do genetic structure and landscape heterogeneity impact color morph frequency in a polymorphic salamander? Ecography 42(8): 1384-1394.
Kuchta, S.R. 2019. Historical Perspective: Richard Highton. Copeia 107(2): 365-372.
Waldron, B.P., S.R. Kuchta, M.M. Hantak, C.M. Hickerson, C.D. Anthony. 2019. Genetic analysis of a cryptic contact zone between mitochondrial clades of the Eastern Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Journal of Herpetology 53(2): 144-153.
Kuchta, S.R., A.D. Brown, & R. Highton. 2018. Disintegrating over space and time: paraphyly and species delimitation in the Wehrle's Salamander complex. Scripta Zoologica 47:285-299
Hantak, M.M. & S.R. Kuchta. 2018. Predator perception across space and time: relative camouflage in a color polymorphic salamander. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 123:21-33.
Converse, P.E. & S.R. Kuchta. 2018. Molecular ecology and phylogeography. Pp. 51-62 In W.M. Roosenburg & V.S. Kennedy (Eds), "Ecology and Conservation of The Diamondback Terrapin". John Hopkins University Press.
Hopkins, C.B., J.S. Johnson, S.R. Kuchta, D.S. McAvoy, V.D. Popescu, S.C. Porter, W.M. Roosenburg, G.P. Sisson, B.R. Sperry, M.T. Trainer, and R.L. Wiley (alphabetical order). 2018. Effectiveness of wildlife mitigation along the Nelsonville Bypass. Technical document submitted to the Ohio Department of Transportation. 239 pages.
Watts, E.F., B.P. Waldron, S.R. Kuchta. 2024. Hard edges, soft edges, and species range evolution: A genomic analysis of the Cumberland Plateau salamander. Journal of Biogeography 51(10): 2011-2022.
Waldron, B.P., E.F. Watts, and S.R. Kuchta. 2024. Traversing the Great Lakes region: Post-glacial colonization by a widespread terrestrial salamander. Journal of Biogeography 51(10): 1864-1879.
Kuchta, S.R., B.P. Waldron, E.F. Watts, A.R. Lemmon, and E.M. Lemmon. 2024. Population structure and species delimitation in the Wehrle’s salamander complex. Herpetologica: 80(2): 165–176.
Ryan, J.M., S.R. Kuchta, J.I. Watling, C-A. M. Hickerson, and C.D. Anthony. 2024. Color polymorphism, sexual dimorphism, and phylogeographic variation in agonistic behavior in the Eastern Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus). Herpetologica: 80(2): 165–176.
Watts, E.F., B.P. Waldron, M.M. Hantak, E.M. Lemmon, A.R. Lemmon, and S.R. Kuchta. 2024. Cryptic species within a cryptic species? Species delimitation in the Cumberland Plateau salamander, Plethodon kentucki. Herpetologica 80(2): 189–198.
Waldron, B.P., C.A.Campbell*, and S.R. Kuchta. 2024. Specialist or refugee: Microhabitat use and competition between two sympatric woodland salamanders. Journal of Zoology 323: 45–56 * undergraduate
Grant, E.H., K.P. Mulder, A.B. Brand, D.B. Chambers, A. Wynn, G. Capshaw, M.L. Niemiller, J.G. Phillips, J.F. Jacobs, S.R. Kuchta, and R.C. Bell. 2022. Speciation with gene flow in a narrow endemic West Virginia cave salamander (Gyrinophilus subterraneus). Conservation Genetics 23: 727-744.
Kuchta, S.R., M.M. Hantak, B.P. Waldron, C.A. Hickerson, R. Lehtinen, C. Anthony. 2022. Hybridization between the woodland salamanders Plethodon cinereus and P. electromorphus. Ichthyology & Herpetology 110(3): 430-438.
Radomski, T.P., S.R. Kuchta, and K. Kozak. 2022. Post-Pleistocene dispersal explains the Rapoport Effect in North American salamanders. Journal of Biogeography 49: 1048-1060.
Marks, S.B., S. K. Sessions, and N. L. Staub. 2021. Scientists and salamanders: a tribute to David B. Wake, mentor extraordinaire. Herpetological Review 52(3): 696-703. (This obituary includes several "mini-retrospectives," one of which was by S.R. Kuchta).
Hantak, M.M.. K.M. Brooks, C.M. Hickerson, C.D. Anthony and S.R. Kuchta. 2020. A spatiotemporal assessment of dietary partitioning between color morphs of a terrestrial salamander. Copeia 108(4): 727-73.
Radomski, T.P., M.M. Hantak, A.D. Brown, and S.R. Kuchta. 2020. Multilocus phylogeography of Eastern Red-backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus): cryptic Appalachian diversity and post-glacial range expansion. Herpetologica 76(1): 61-73.
Hopkins, C.B, K.E. Harman, and S.R. Kuchta. 2019. Improving amphibian roadway mitigation to decrease mortality and increase connectivity by experimenting with ecopassage design. Technical document, Ohio Department of Transportation. 159 pages.
Collins, M.K., S.F. Spear, J.D. Groves, L.A.Williams, and S.R. Kuchta, 2019. Searching for a salamander: distribution and habitat of the Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) in southeast Ohio using eDNA as a rapid assessment technique. American Midland Naturalist 182(2): 191-202.
Hantak, M.H., R.B. Page, P.E. Converse, C.D. Anthony, C.M. Hickerson, and S.R. Kuchta. 2019. Do genetic structure and landscape heterogeneity impact color morph frequency in a polymorphic salamander? Ecography 42(8): 1384-1394.
Kuchta, S.R. 2019. Historical Perspective: Richard Highton. Copeia 107(2): 365-372.
Waldron, B.P., S.R. Kuchta, M.M. Hantak, C.M. Hickerson, C.D. Anthony. 2019. Genetic analysis of a cryptic contact zone between mitochondrial clades of the Eastern Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Journal of Herpetology 53(2): 144-153.
Kuchta, S.R., A.D. Brown, & R. Highton. 2018. Disintegrating over space and time: paraphyly and species delimitation in the Wehrle's Salamander complex. Scripta Zoologica 47:285-299
Hantak, M.M. & S.R. Kuchta. 2018. Predator perception across space and time: relative camouflage in a color polymorphic salamander. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 123:21-33.
Converse, P.E. & S.R. Kuchta. 2018. Molecular ecology and phylogeography. Pp. 51-62 In W.M. Roosenburg & V.S. Kennedy (Eds), "Ecology and Conservation of The Diamondback Terrapin". John Hopkins University Press.
Hopkins, C.B., J.S. Johnson, S.R. Kuchta, D.S. McAvoy, V.D. Popescu, S.C. Porter, W.M. Roosenburg, G.P. Sisson, B.R. Sperry, M.T. Trainer, and R.L. Wiley (alphabetical order). 2018. Effectiveness of wildlife mitigation along the Nelsonville Bypass. Technical document submitted to the Ohio Department of Transportation. 239 pages.
Converse, P.E., S.R. Kuchta, J.S. Hauswaldt & W.M. Roosenburg. 2017. Turtle soup, Prohibition, and the population genetic structure of Diamondback Terrapins, Malaclemys terrapin. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0181898 (18 pages).
Kuchta, S.R. 2017. The genus Salamandra. Herpetological Review 48(2): 465-466.
Kuchta, S.R. & D.B. Wake. 2016. Wherefore and whither the ring species? Copeia 104(2): 189-201. (Winner of the award "Best Paper, Young Scholar, Herpetology" for 2016 in Copeia)
Kuchta, S.R., M.D. Haughey, A. Wynn, J. Jacobs, & R. Highton. 2016. Ancient river systems and phylogeographic structure in the Spring Salamander, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus. Journal of Biogeography 43(4):639-652. Online Supplementary Materials
Kuchta, S.R., A.D. Brown, P.E. Converse, & R. Highton. 2016. Multilocus phylogeography and species delimitation in the Cumberland Plateau Salamander, Plethodon kentucki: incongruence among data sets and methods. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150022 (25 pages)
Converse, P.E., S.R. Kuchta, W.M. Roosenburg, P.F.P. Henry, G.M. Haramis, & T. King. 2015. Spatiotemporal analysis of gene flow in Chesapeake Bay Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin). Molecular Ecology 24:5864-5876. Online Supplementary Materials.
Hantak, M.M., S.R. Kuchta, C.M. Hickerson, C.D. Anthony. 2015. Plethodon cinereus: morphology. Herpetological Review 46(3):409-410.
Kuchta, S.R. & E.I. Svensson. 2014. Predator-mediated natural selection on the wings of the damselfly Calopteryx splendens: differences in selection among trait types. American Naturalist 184(1): 91-109. Online Supplementary Materials.
Calsbeek, R., T. Gosden, S.R. Kuchta, & E.I. Svensson. 2012. Fluctuating selection and dynamic adaptive landscapes. Pp. 89-109 In E.I. Svensson & R. Calsbeek, eds. “The Adaptive Landscape in Evolutionary Biology.” Oxford University Press.
Kuchta, S.R. 2017. The genus Salamandra. Herpetological Review 48(2): 465-466.
Kuchta, S.R. & D.B. Wake. 2016. Wherefore and whither the ring species? Copeia 104(2): 189-201. (Winner of the award "Best Paper, Young Scholar, Herpetology" for 2016 in Copeia)
Kuchta, S.R., M.D. Haughey, A. Wynn, J. Jacobs, & R. Highton. 2016. Ancient river systems and phylogeographic structure in the Spring Salamander, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus. Journal of Biogeography 43(4):639-652. Online Supplementary Materials
Kuchta, S.R., A.D. Brown, P.E. Converse, & R. Highton. 2016. Multilocus phylogeography and species delimitation in the Cumberland Plateau Salamander, Plethodon kentucki: incongruence among data sets and methods. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150022 (25 pages)
Converse, P.E., S.R. Kuchta, W.M. Roosenburg, P.F.P. Henry, G.M. Haramis, & T. King. 2015. Spatiotemporal analysis of gene flow in Chesapeake Bay Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin). Molecular Ecology 24:5864-5876. Online Supplementary Materials.
Hantak, M.M., S.R. Kuchta, C.M. Hickerson, C.D. Anthony. 2015. Plethodon cinereus: morphology. Herpetological Review 46(3):409-410.
Kuchta, S.R. & E.I. Svensson. 2014. Predator-mediated natural selection on the wings of the damselfly Calopteryx splendens: differences in selection among trait types. American Naturalist 184(1): 91-109. Online Supplementary Materials.
Calsbeek, R., T. Gosden, S.R. Kuchta, & E.I. Svensson. 2012. Fluctuating selection and dynamic adaptive landscapes. Pp. 89-109 In E.I. Svensson & R. Calsbeek, eds. “The Adaptive Landscape in Evolutionary Biology.” Oxford University Press.
Calsbeek, R., & S.R. Kuchta 2011. Predator mediated selection and the impact of developmental stage on viability in Wood frog tadpoles (Rana sylvatica). BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:e353 (11 pages).
Corl, A., A. Davis, S.R. Kuchta, & B. Sinervo. 2010. Selective loss of polymorphic mating types is associated with rapid phenotypic evolution during morphic speciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(9):4254-4259. Online Supplementary Materials.
Corl, A., A. Davis, S.R. Kuchta, T. Comendant, & B. Sinervo. 2010. Alternative mating strategies and the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in the Side-blotched Lizard, Uta stansburiana: a population-level comparative analysis. Evolution 64(1): 79-96 Online Supplementary Materials.
Kuchta, S.R., D.S. Parks, R.L. Mueller, & D.B. Wake. 2009a. Closing the ring: historical biogeography of the salamander ring species Ensatina eschscholtzii. Journal of Biogeography 36:982-995. Online Supplementary Materials. Cover photo.
Kuchta, S.R., D.S. Parks, & D.B. Wake. 2009b. Pronounced phylogeographic structure on a small spatial scale: geomorphological evolution and lineage history in the salamander ring species Ensatina eschscholtzii in central coastal California. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 50:240-255. Online Supplementary Materials.
Kuchta, S.R., A. Krakauer, & B. Sinervo. 2008. Why does the Yellow-eyed salamander have yellow eyes? Batesian mimicry of Pacific newts (genus Taricha) by the salamander Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica. Evolution 62(4):984-990.
Corl, A., A. Davis, S.R. Kuchta, & B. Sinervo. 2010. Selective loss of polymorphic mating types is associated with rapid phenotypic evolution during morphic speciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(9):4254-4259. Online Supplementary Materials.
Corl, A., A. Davis, S.R. Kuchta, T. Comendant, & B. Sinervo. 2010. Alternative mating strategies and the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in the Side-blotched Lizard, Uta stansburiana: a population-level comparative analysis. Evolution 64(1): 79-96 Online Supplementary Materials.
Kuchta, S.R., D.S. Parks, R.L. Mueller, & D.B. Wake. 2009a. Closing the ring: historical biogeography of the salamander ring species Ensatina eschscholtzii. Journal of Biogeography 36:982-995. Online Supplementary Materials. Cover photo.
Kuchta, S.R., D.S. Parks, & D.B. Wake. 2009b. Pronounced phylogeographic structure on a small spatial scale: geomorphological evolution and lineage history in the salamander ring species Ensatina eschscholtzii in central coastal California. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 50:240-255. Online Supplementary Materials.
Kuchta, S.R., A. Krakauer, & B. Sinervo. 2008. Why does the Yellow-eyed salamander have yellow eyes? Batesian mimicry of Pacific newts (genus Taricha) by the salamander Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica. Evolution 62(4):984-990.
Kuchta, S.R. 2008. Amphibians. In T. Haff, M.A. Brown, W.B. Tyler. The Natural History of the UC Santa Cruz Campus, 2nd Edition. Bay Tree Bookstore, University of California, Santa Cruz, Pg. 198-220.
Kuchta, S.R. 2007. Contact zones and species status: hybridization between lineages of the California newt, Taricha torosa, in the southern Sierra Nevada. Herpetologica 63(3):332-350.
Kuchta, S.R. & A.M. Tan. 2006a. Lineage diversification on an evolving landscape: phylogeography of the California newt, Taricha torosa (Caudata: Salamandridae). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 89:213-239.
Kuchta, S.R. & A.M. Tan. 2006b. Limited genetic variation across the range of the Red-bellied newt, Taricha rivularis. Journal of Herpetology 40(4):561-565. (There was an odd production error in the legend of Figure 1, and this legend is important for understanding the paper. An erratum was published in the Journal of Herpetology 41(2):346.)
Kuchta, S.R. 2005a. Experimental support for aposematic coloration in the salamander Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica: implications for mimicry of Pacific newts. Copeia 2005(2):265-271.
Kuchta, S.R. 2005b. Taricha torosa. In: Lannoo, M. (Ed), Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species, pp 904-908. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. [This account is now also posted on AmphibiaWeb.]
Kuchta, S.R. & D.S. Parks. 2005. Ensatina eschscholtzii. In: Lannoo, M. (Ed), Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. [pdf; also, this account is now posted on AmphibiaWeb.]
Kuchta, S.R. & A.M. Tan. 2005. Isolation by distance and post-glacial range expansion in the Rough-skinned newt, Taricha granulosa. Molecular Ecology 14:225-244.
Kuchta, S.R. 2007. Contact zones and species status: hybridization between lineages of the California newt, Taricha torosa, in the southern Sierra Nevada. Herpetologica 63(3):332-350.
Kuchta, S.R. & A.M. Tan. 2006a. Lineage diversification on an evolving landscape: phylogeography of the California newt, Taricha torosa (Caudata: Salamandridae). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 89:213-239.
Kuchta, S.R. & A.M. Tan. 2006b. Limited genetic variation across the range of the Red-bellied newt, Taricha rivularis. Journal of Herpetology 40(4):561-565. (There was an odd production error in the legend of Figure 1, and this legend is important for understanding the paper. An erratum was published in the Journal of Herpetology 41(2):346.)
Kuchta, S.R. 2005a. Experimental support for aposematic coloration in the salamander Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica: implications for mimicry of Pacific newts. Copeia 2005(2):265-271.
Kuchta, S.R. 2005b. Taricha torosa. In: Lannoo, M. (Ed), Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species, pp 904-908. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. [This account is now also posted on AmphibiaWeb.]
Kuchta, S.R. & D.S. Parks. 2005. Ensatina eschscholtzii. In: Lannoo, M. (Ed), Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. [pdf; also, this account is now posted on AmphibiaWeb.]
Kuchta, S.R. & A.M. Tan. 2005. Isolation by distance and post-glacial range expansion in the Rough-skinned newt, Taricha granulosa. Molecular Ecology 14:225-244.
Jones, L., W. Leonard, & D.H. Olson (eds). 2005. Amphibians of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle Audubon Society, Seattle Washington. I wrote the following accounts:
Taricha torosa (Kuchta, S.R.)
T. granulosa (Kuchta, S.R.)
T. rivularis (Kuchta, S.R.)
Ensatina eschscholtzii (Kuchta, S.R.& D.B. Wake)
Dicamptodon ensatus (Kuchta, S.R. & G. Fellers)
Batrachoseps attenuatus (Wake, D.B. & S.R. Kuchta)
Kuchta, S.R. 2002. Systematics, Speciation and Mimicry in Taricha (Caudata: Salamandridae). Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Berkeley. 206 p.
Kuchta, S.R. & D. Meyer. 2001. A genealogical view of geographical variation. Molecular Ecology 10:2569-2576.
Taricha torosa (Kuchta, S.R.)
T. granulosa (Kuchta, S.R.)
T. rivularis (Kuchta, S.R.)
Ensatina eschscholtzii (Kuchta, S.R.& D.B. Wake)
Dicamptodon ensatus (Kuchta, S.R. & G. Fellers)
Batrachoseps attenuatus (Wake, D.B. & S.R. Kuchta)
Kuchta, S.R. 2002. Systematics, Speciation and Mimicry in Taricha (Caudata: Salamandridae). Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Berkeley. 206 p.
Kuchta, S.R. & D. Meyer. 2001. A genealogical view of geographical variation. Molecular Ecology 10:2569-2576.